A successful example of LIFE + project : AQUAVAL
Approved in 2008 under the heading "Policy and Governance", the principal aim of this ambitious project is to provide innovative solutions to problems related to runoff quantity and quality in the urban environment in the Valencian Region (Spain).
Through the integration of part of the hydraulic infrastructure into the municipal landscape using Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS), thereby decreasing the impacts of urban development and adding social and environmental values to the programmed actions.
The main objectives are to:
- Avoid combined sewer overflows in order to improve water quality of the receiving water courses (rivers Albaida and Turia)
- Save on potable water by exploiting Natural Water Resources (rain water) in order to use it for irrigation, street cleaning, etc
- Develop community environmental policy through the integration of environmental concerns into planning and urban water policies, thereby contrbuting to sustainable development.
- Reduce energy consumption (and consequently CO2 emissions to the atmosphere) both in the water management cycle (pumping, sewer treatment plants) and in buildings (with the use of green infrastructures).
Council of Xàtiva (Spain) - leaders of the project
Council of Benaguasil (Spain)
PM Enginyeria (Spain)
University of Abertay (UK)
Fundación Comunidad Valenciana - Región Europea (Spain)
More info: www.aquavalproject.eu
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