Let's start the partner hunting!
Valencia's sewage water is filtered and re-used to irrigate rice fields (Photo: EUobserver)
Moderator: Mr Alfonso Alcolea
Proposals. ENPI project on water management “Water communities”.
LIFE+ project - Wateregio. FP7 on conductions of water
18:00 Closed-door meeting.
§ Approval of the record of activities.
§ Report about legal personality of Wateregio.
§ New steering committee.
§ Other business
Date: 18th May 2009. 14h30.
Venue: Valencian Regional Office in Brussels, Rue de la Loi 227, 4th Floor, B-1040 Brussels.
Provisional Agenda: (version 2, as proposed the 13th May)
This is an internal meeting of Wateregio. The network will organize an open event during the Green Week, the 24th June (date to be confirmed)
Wateregio will celebrate its general meeting next 18th May in the afternoon in Brussels.
Please, save it in your agendas.
1. Open calls and project opportunities: Ecoinnovation, LIFE+, ENPI.
2. Project forum corner: Bring your project ideas!
3. Positions and policy papers: Open working groups, work of the European Commission.
The event will be followed by a Wateregio closed door meeting.
More information to follow via e-mail.
Rice crops in l'Albufera, Valencia. (c)
Partner consortium (so far):
Federación de Comunidades de Regantes de la Comunitat Valenciana.
Society for the Protection of the Nature in Lebanon.
Further partners being sought
Members of Wateregio network.
Budget foreseen: 2.000.000 €. Co-funded by ERDF in EU Member States, and by ENPI in Mediterranean partner countries.
Foreseen project duration: 18 months
Contact Valencian Region:
Mr Alfonso Alcolea –
Mr José Pascual –
Lebanon :
Ms Tala Al-Khatib –
Ms Dalia Al-Jawhary –
The Summer School of the AER will take place next 24-28 august 2009 in Valencia, Spain, organised jointly by the AER and the Fundación Comunidad Valenciana - Región Europea.
By bringing together decision makers, officials and young people, the Summer School intends to provide the tools to be able to cope with the challenges of water management.
The members of Wateregio are invited to participate actively via:
The Summer School is oriented to regional decision-makers, elected politicians and experts from the different regional and local administrations who are interested in
The contents of the Summer School are grouped in four pools:
• Pool 1. Water management: Regions need to provide innovative strategies to ensure safe water and sanitation for all. The workshops in this pool will tackle the problems faced by policy makers when they define plans and implement infrastructures.
• Pool 2. Water and climate change. The availability of water will change and be affected by the climate. Draughts and floods will be more severe and recurrent. This will affect not only the economy and human life, but also the ecosystems and the biodiversity. The participants will work on research, mitigation and adaptation to climate change, preserving the natural environment.
• Pool 3. Governance and communication. The social involvement is essential to manage water in a sustainable way. The participants will work on legislative and political measures, public participation, education and training, aiming to
• Horizontal workshops: The horizontal workshops will invite the participants to propose their ideas in joint projects dealing with water, global issues and co-operation, and instruments to be
The Summer School will gather experts from all over
If you are interested in receiving more information, please contact with your name, region and country and e-mail adress.
More information:
Organised by the European Commission, the conference can be followed online via the link:
The documentation will be published in the website:
Members of WR currently attending: Region of Murcia, Emilia Romagna and Valencian Region.
A project forum corner in the end of the Infoday raised several project ideas in the following fields:
From the political point of view, the network Wateregio was presented as a way to improve the participation of Mediterranean regions in EU water policy.
Contact person:
Dino Babić
Professional collaborator for the development of international projects
Department for International cooperation and EU integration
Istarska županija – Regione istriana
Region of Istria
Flanatička 29
HR-52100 Pula
Tel: +385 (0)52 372 177
Fax:+385 (0)52 372 178